We support you by providing leadership assessments that produce valid, reliable, and actionable results.
We use a “listen-learn-help-lead” model to identify your specific challenges and determine the next steps to resolving the problem or crisis.
We use real-life examples of success to provide your team with insights from successful crisis leaders. We work with your staff to coach them through both crisis preparation and real-time crises. In addition to hands-on, informal training, Casto Group Consulting provides formal crisis management instruction.
We facilitate the creation of a continuous improvement culture to ensure that the learning does not stop when we leave your doors. Casto Group Consulting will work with you to create a set of values and behaviors that lead to sustainable results while readying your company for continuous performance improvement.
We develop an integrated network of departments across your company where work units are not “cylinders of excellence,” but instead are functionally connected to all work units. Casto Group’s method of functional cooperation comes from helping the leadership team to model, encourage, and enable workers’ desire to leverage opportunities, while sharing lessons learned and allowing employees to own broad categories of mentoring.
Our staff provides expert witness testimony and has conducted investigations of wrongdoing. These cases include employee misbehavior, labor disputes, legal disputes surrounding major engineering products. In one case, we supported the company with testimony for justifiable termination of 15 employees engaged in wrongdoing. For a wrongful death case, we provided testimony to defend the company from a $100 million settlement. Casto Group Consulting has engaged in the assessment of whistleblower cases, safety culture, and safety conscious work environment allegations.